I can't fully understand how to deal with the death of anyone or death in general. I find it quite hard; I lose the ability to think or act. Whenever I go death exists, and I can't really escape from funerals or at least find a good argument to stay away. Will I ever figure out a hidden path to walk through whenever death knocks my door? Will I ever find a place where agony can't belong to?
Yes I can, but only, only if Autumn could run away once from October, if one of the four seasons of weather could escape, if distress could no longer accompany us, and if all my trials to approach salvation succeeded then I will be able to escape and never think of loss again. Funerals in general remind me of a work based on shifts, the dead ones were once alive and taking the condolences for them, and now the living taking the condolences. A soul handing another the shift of life, and everyone's time will come.
I've always wondered why they talk about the torture after death, the never-ending pain or sufferance? Why they always focus on the grilling of our souls, bodies and the anguish ? No one has ever spoken about the mercy in death and how kind God is, and what to be done to approach his acceptance or even his grace? Am sure he is kind why won't be! Why no one speaks about the good people in graves? And how those people are experiencing the joy of seeing God's face ?
Why always highlighting the painful side of death without considering the salvation of it . We might be sinners, but an angel has never shown in the world of our existence. In the end of the day, I lost my babe. Won't say he died, for I see him in my nightmares and four days ago I saw him in the street. Yes, I was under the control of my pills, yet am sure I saw his angel.