Amongst those hard and traumatic times, getting to know our mind and how it works could only lead to healthier and saner time spent with ourselves. Our mind is a very powerful vehicle, if we can’t drive it, it drives us. Ever watched “split” the movie and came across the scene that says “we are what we believe we are” and wondered whether that was true or not? Well, stay tuned. To change ourselves we must first change our beliefs about ourselves, stop limiting ourselves with an ago lie about who we are. There are two ways to self-change, one is gradual and one is rapid (RPT). It’s believed that because we as humans need a stable sense of self, change should happen gradually, while this is true, the problem also lies in that we are mortal creatures and might not have time.
RPT (Rapid Personality transformation) has a very powerful and transformative ability but in therapy it’s very common to find therapists telling you that change has to happen gradually and slowly which really isn’t the case and may not always apply. Change can be rapid and transformative as well, generally people go through that type of change when they hit rock bottom and have nothing to lose, they make a sacrifice of the things they don’t need any more and they emerge new, like a phoenix that burns itself to rise from the ashes. We often don’t realize that almost everything is about mindset, our beliefs override everything else and the biggest example for that is the placebo effect, when you believe in the power of the pill it heals you. Our beliefs mostly come from how we interpreted the world as children, so getting in touch with that 10-year-old self isn’t a crime!
Rule 1: If you don’t run your mind, it will run you.
Imagine your mind as a Ferrari and a Ferrari is very powerful but if you don’t know how to drive it, it will drive you. An example of that is that Your mind can’t hold conflicting beliefs. So you have to Focus on the belief that empower you and be clear about what you tell your mind you want, choose beliefs that work. Speak about what you want in the present tense and don’t speak about what you don’t want
Example: I like to eat nourishing food that keeps my weight ideal
Instead of: I love cake but it makes me fat.
If by any means you didn’t get what you want then you have a conflicting belief. Create a new script
Rule 2: your mind wants to stay with what’s familiar because it keeps you safe. Make praise familiar and make criticism unfamiliar by banishing it completely.
The mind always goes for what’s familiar even if it’s bad for us. Before in the beginning of times what’s unfamiliar meant potential danger now we don’t need fight or flight responses at a classroom or a business meeting or anywhere that makes us feel unsafe or unfamiliar. Make what’s unfamiliar super familiar and what’s familiar and bad for you super unfamiliar.
Example: you want to start drinking your coffee with one spoon of sugar instead of 4 so every time you make your coffee with one spoon praise yourself on it, tell your mind that it tastes great and that you feel healthier instead of telling it how much you hate it and wish you can go back to 4 sugar spoons.
Your mind doesn’t know when you’re lying to it and it doesn’t care either. If you want to make new habits familiar, repeat to yourself that you love and want it.
Fun fact: you can talk yourself into or out of anything, it’s really your choice, which is the beauty of it all.
Rule 3: You make your beliefs then your beliefs make you
Your mind’s job is to get you to the best version you can be of yourself but your job is to talk to it in healthy dialogue. First you have to set your beliefs as a basic foundation in which to build on, make sure none of it contradicts with one another and then by time without even any effort those beliefs will make you. You can basically think yourself fat, you can think yourself slim, you can think yourself successful and you can think yourself a loser. It’s all up to you. Maybe ask yourself do you have any limiting belief from childhood?
Rule 4: Your beliefs are a self-fulfilling prophecy that you can change.
Your beliefs form a blue print that you’re wired to meet all your life. We basically learn what we live. Your subconscious mind does everything to make that blue print become a reality. It’s amazing if this blue print is positive but it’s really unfortunate if it’s negative. But fortunately all it takes is a decision to change your blue print.
Ask yourself do you want to continue living life as it is right now for the next 40 years or do you want to make a change?
Rule 5: We act in the way that is consistent to how we define ourselves.
Every thought you think has a physical and an emotional reaction, if you think good thoughts you get good emotions and vice versa. So in this way your words forms your reality, maybe then changing our language towards more positive thoughts is essential. If you change your language you change how you feel. Think great thoughts and you’ll get a powerful reaction. What’s even better is that our thoughts radiate out from us and back to us, so whatever you’re thinking your energies are aligning to match it. A way to look at it is that if you can think whatever you want then you might as well think great thoughts because they give you great things.
Example: instead of saying it was hell, say I have great coping mechanisms
Instead of saying I need to work out but I hate it, say I love working out, it makes me feel so great afterwards
Also ask yourself what are you telling yourself that gives you negative feelings and reactions?
Write down 1-3 negative beliefs you may have unconsciously adopted.
Now write 1-3 new positive beliefs you can use to replace the negative beliefs you previously wrote down.
Example: “crying makes you weak”
Instead “crying is a release of negative emotions and being vulnerable is a proof of your strength.