Based on a theory by the German philosopher Oswald Spalinger, like living organisms, civilizations usually undergo the same life cycle; birth, growth, youth, old age, and death. Ancient civilizations, for instance, will undergo the same phases and a new civilization will eventually emerge.
Archaeology suggests that five factors contributed to the collapse of civilizations like ancient Rome or the Mayan empire: uncontrollable population shifts, new plagues, an increased state of war due to failing states, famine, and climate change.
Arnold Toynbee, an English philosopher, argues that civilizations can be rescued through an innovative minority; one that will appear and stop the downfall, if two important factors were provided, faith and science, the bottom line of the struggle between East and West.
Do we have to fall?
Let us acknowledge the facts. Violence is escalating. People are losing their connection with one another. Poverty and unemployment rates are continuously increasing, and surprisingly the human population is too. Climate change and global warming are major threats to our existence. A new plague interrupted our lives. And history always repeats itself. My words may sound pessimistic. But I think that there is a real opportunity for us to refigure our priorities in life at this moment in history. It is okay to fall, let us also acknowledge that, we have every reason to. It takes this fall to rise again, with a new perspective, and a new attitude. However, when we fall, we do not have to collapse. Yes, there is this slight chance that someone, maybe you, will save this civilization.
Before we collapse
I am hopeful that there will be a group of conscious and righteous people, that will surprisingly rise to the occasion, and miraculously save this civilization from collapsing. A group that will take the lead, backed up with real moral values and genuine appreciation of the scarcity of life in its different forms. There is a miracle not so far away. And we can be a part of it.
If we can change our priorities, achieve balance and understanding in our roles as human beings in a complex world, the coming era can well be that of a richer civilization, not its end. — Sigurd F. Olson
In the following articles titled “Backward”, I will shed light on ancient civilizations, the ones that prospered, and the main factors that led to a stable, socially aware community. I will highlight the lessons we can learn from them to help us gain a new perspective. Because at this time, I think that if we really want to move forward to a new chapter, we must go back backward and take a deeper look.