The millennial generation right now are taking their first steps in building up their own career paths.
For decades, companies and offices had been the favorite destination for fresh graduates. Not anymore.
First of all the idea of “College”.
Have you been to your first job interview yet?
Have they asked you if you are a graduate or not?
Well, here is the case.
Youngsters are being pushed constantly into what is seemingly a crafted route that had been followed for decades, “the college”. A lot of parents believe that their kids without a certificate are not qualified to face the real world. Thoughts of their kids being poor, and not establishing a comfortable life, may blind them to the fact that there is a new thing now, and it is called the internet, where people can literally learn anything they aspire to learn. They can even be enrolled in online classes, take online diplomas and have access to thousands of masterclasses and workshops.
Having these online access keys surely had facilitated life for millions of millennials around the globe, why spending tons of money on college, when you can pick a specific master class or a workshop that is actually going to give you the information and the skills you are looking for. Yes, of course, college is important for some and is greatly helpful. However, that is not the case with many others. After all, people function in different ways and must have freedom of choice.
This exhausting procedure people call “College” is not that much appealing for millennials anymore. And so are these business entities that ask the same old question, are you a graduate? I mean what if you are not. Does that make you any less qualified?
That is why many millennials had turned to “Freelancing” as a way of earning a living. And here is why.
1. The freelance way or being “self-employed” gives you the opportunity to do specific tasks for different organizations or clients, rather than only working for a single one.
2. For those who are not entirely comfortable with the idea of working in an office, they prefer working from home; they can even turn a part of their sleeping rooms, or other rooms into their own, comfortable offices.
3. Artists surely need to make money from their art so that they can have a proper life, and can keep on thriving to keep creating. Writers/photographers/musicians/designers, not all can operate within a predetermined framework, they need to experiment, and explore with their work. As freelancers, they get the chance to do so, until eventually figuring themselves out.
However, you need to keep in mind that it`s never going to be easy. Many may get deceived thinking that it`s a lot easier working from your home all comfortable, but getting money is hard work. You need to be persistent, and totally committed to your choices so that you can make great things happen.
Finally, here is a kind reminder for you all.
“Your 20’s are your ‘selfish’ years. It’s a decade to immerse yourself in every single thing possible. Be selfish with your time, and all the aspects of you. Tinker with shit, travel, explore, love a lot, love a little, and never touch the ground.”
― Kyoko Escamilla